A day in Tofino! The mist had set in overnight, we’d planned to go canoeing in the afternoon, so headed for the rainforest in the morning – had another stroll round old growth rainforest, this time right on the ocean.
Then to the canoeing! There were 6 of us in the group, we all had double kayaks. The weather was just perfect, sunny, still, and warm, but not baking. After the obligatory “My name is and I have done … paddling before”, and the safety stuff, we headed for the boats. It was a paddle in the reasonably protected waters of the harbour, which was so clear, we could see right down to the bottom. No-one capsized, and we only went wrong once, requiring a quick circle. The views were stunning!
That evening, we headed for a restaurant called Wolf in the Fog, recommended by an American Couple we’d met on the canoeing trip. We ended up sitting next to a restaurant reviewer from Vancouver – and chatting to her.
- On the water
- On the water
- Dinner, Wolf in the Fog
- Sunset