… of waves, wind & waterfalls.

We set out this morning, North towards Húsavík, hoping to go on a Whale trip. The weather won 🙁 (Though we did have a very nice lunch in a “warm tent”). So, plan b, we headed further out of town round the Tjörnes peninsula. Again, more stunning views – of landscape that’s just very big, bleak, yet beautiful (but not so photogenic, especially when it’s overcast).

Next stop was Ásbyrgi – on the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river. It’s at the head of a small enclosed canyon – which was, apparently, most likely formed by a massive glacial flood. One book’s blaming an eruption under Vatnajökull glacier – another the “end of the ice age” (though guess the latter could have triggered the former). Whatever – it’s a stunning gorge, called Horseshoe locally – and it is just like a hoof print (of a non-shoed horse); complete with the central pad. A short stroll up there & then heading back, via a gravel road – and stops for two waterfalls; the first, Holmatungur was fairly deep and thus hard to see from the height we were at. The second, Dettifoss was much more spectacular – it’s the most powerful in Europe – and it certainly looked powerful!

Photography today wasn’t as good as yesterday, it was so grey & overcast (though on the positive side, it didn’t rain – just freezing!)